
Memory Management in Python

I came across the interesting write up somewhere on website on memory management in Python. Here are some data facts which I liked,

Python allocates memory transparently, manages objects using a reference count system, and frees memory when an object’s reference count falls to zero. In theory, it’s swell. In practice, you need to know a few things about Python memory management to get a memory-efficient program running. One of the things you should know, or at least get a good feel about, is the sizes of basic Python objects. Another thing is how Python manages its memory internally.

So let us begin with the size of basic objects. In Python, there’s not a lot of primitive data types: there are ints, longs (an unlimited precision version of ints), floats (which are doubles), tuples, strings, lists, dictionaries, and classes.

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VMware Player and Hyper-V are not compatible

I run my VMs using vmware player for multiple operating system like Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, Suse, Mint Linux. One fine day I noticed this error “VMware Player and Hyper-V are not compatible” from the vmplayer while starting Ubuntu. This was bit surprising for me as I had run the same vm couple of times.

I realized that disabling the hyper-V could fix this problem, but I was still curious, as of why could this start all of sudden?

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Jekyll Simply So Simple

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Jekyll one of the fast and simple static html page generator is really easy to start of with. I am so addicted to it now. Still exploring it more, there are so many features available and installing it is as easy as it can be.

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PyCon India 2014

Alt text Yes, PyCon India 2014 is happening in Bangalore. Interesting topics are on there for you on day 2. Workshops are also been conducted as a part of day 1 program. I have attended the one in year 2012 and some of the topics were really good to know and worth attending. The topics which focus on large data processing, performance, high scalable application in python, complex data structure would be worth to attend.

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