Blockchain - Really worth in elections ?

Issues with EVM ( Electronic Voting Machine ) have been the talk of the town for quite a while in India nowadays. Political parties have been taking about going back to voting mechanism using ballot boxes, wherein there would be very less possibility of non-legitimate voting. EVMs are prone to hacking, untrusted votes, digital errors as explained by these political parties.

I ask you political parties this, why ballot boxes or directly “why papers” ? Why cut trees to achieve your goal considering the fact that, we are living in the - digital era with brilliant minds across the country to make things possible using technology.

The recent government (people too) has been keen towards its programme of Digital India.

As the website says -

The Digital India programme is a flagship programme of the Government of India with a vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy.

So why paper for casting votes ?

The question is - Can the blockchain technology solve this problem ?

The answer to the question is - Yes

Adopting to the Blockchain technology will not only ensure, that the vote casted is trusted but will also eradicate the underlying issues of hacking, third party dependency, voting transactions, fraud & other securities hacks.

Importantly it will reduce the cost of elections drastically and the government could utilise its funds in other major projects. Note, the Loksabha election 2014 costed around 3,500 crore.

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Simple mechanism to understand this from blockchain perspective.

  • Voting could be casted from any place on a particular day. This could be translated as NODES in blockchain.
  • Voting done at nodes could be validated by a elected nodes or electoral offices. This translates to MINERS in blockchain.
  • Elected nodes or electoral offices would update their transactions. This translates to SYNCHRONISATION ledger in blockchain.
  • Transactions are up to date at any electoral offices and results could be declared instantly on the same day if required.

Government should just ensure the infrastructure is developed for this and is prioritise.

Let’s all participate in making India a - Digital India
